
May 04, 2006

Test image thumbnail

A recent terragen render

February 09, 2005

Time for a screenshot

Intended to fit in with Ash Wednesday - all desert dry - View full image

December 23, 2004


Now running with a new version of movableType.

December 15, 2004

Moving movableType

I've recently upgraded to Mandrake 10.1 - I installed it and then copied over the system amendments I needed from my 9.2 partitions. I had a bit of a problem with MovableType. I couldn't login to my weblogs getting cryptic messages - and it seems a lot of others have this problem. It turned out that the userid and group id's of apache were no longer what they were..I made the files owned by the new user id and away we go!

September 08, 2004

My earliest usenet presence

That I can find is this from 1990, but I'm sure I was posting earlier. Complete with double .signature - sigh!

OK, here's a slightly earlier one - again asking about usenet software!

Ah, I needed to search for rather than the other way around and pushes it back to May 89 though I'm sure I posted to uk.* before that but google groups seems light on those - no posts from uk.followup at all!


Blackbox (linux window manager though I use the windows version as well..) has a new wiki at
And here is the screenshot for today
View image showing gkrellm, bbpager, wmEnotes, root-tail oh and crack-attack!

August 05, 2004

Hardware, software and computer suppliers (oh and errors, lots of those!)

A few months back at a meeting of the South Cheshire Linux Group someone said - I have this slightly dodgy PC Chips motherboard crashes sometimes - anyone want it?
It came with a case and a floppy (wow!) and I have a daughter needing a new computer for University so I said yes.

  • Needed a socket A so I bought one at CCL, booted - nothing, hmmm
  • Looked at the PSU and decided a new power supply wouldn't do any harm and bought one at Servicesure in Knutsford - still nothing, maybe it is the motherboard
  • Bought a motherboard in Novatech sale but it came with a DOA tag inside the box - so back it went
  • bought an ASUS motherboard and new memory from Microdirect, it then didn't have an on board graphics so I bought that card from Sapphire
  • still nothing
  • further inspection revealed a fried CPU (my stupidity at an early stage) so I bought a new one locally - Tim's megastore, at least they fitted it for me!
  • Ah it boots!
  • Installed mandrake 9.2 and it complained about being unable to install various packages, the spare disk it was using was tiny so I bought a new one back at CCL and a DVD player
  • Still an iffy install but I managed to scrape though by installing a minimum of packages
  • Wanted the NVIDIA graphics and therefore the kernel source, 9.2 hard to find so I thought we'll upgrade - BAD MOVE - it crashed when upgrading the kernel! Rebooted and had to 'install' 10.0 on top of 9.2 but did it and got a system with an interesting idea of what it thought was installed and a mangled rpm database
  • tried copying the kernel src rpm off cd onto hard drive - wouldn't install, tried another copy off USB dongle- same problem, looks as if the copied rpm on the hard drive is different to the one on the cd/USB dongle
  • light begins to dawn, disconnect floppy drive, problem goes away, but still got a trashed rpm database and a DVD I can't boot off!
  • how much does a floppy drive cost? It will probably end up with it being the cable...
  • Just need to finish the installation - when I get get everyone running Crack Attack off it!

So I have this slightly dodgy PC Chips motherboard.....

June 17, 2004

Socket to me!

Socket A motherboards and Duron -aargh! Well I 'm sure they're OK really I'm just having a fraught time with one at the moment. Advice, testing anyone....?