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Reading Week?

Took the opportunity of the week's holiday in Llandudno to get some reading done! List looks as follows:

  • Completed Franzen's The Corrections - all 650 pages of it - very mixed views of this one, it felt like various stories bolted together and didn't think it was worth it in the end. Interesting to hear other views at the reading group tonight!
  • Stephen Bates - A Church at War - superb and quite enlightening - a retelling of the Anglican churches recent conflicts over (homo)sexuality.
  • Mary Renault's - Fire from Heaven - a falling apart copy from the recent library sale with 10 pages missing, enjoyed it greatly and will probably read the rest of the trilogy - assuming the library hasn't sold them off!
  • Bridget O'Connor - tell her you love her - book of short stories - not too keen on this, enjoyed the first - Lenka's Wardrobe - but though it then went downhill!

Will expand on some of these and add some links!

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